Month: June 2018

Science Diplomacy: Transatlantic Asset and Competition
In this short contribution Tom C. Wang brings EU and USA science diplomacy face to face. The paper provides a brief but to the point and insightful overview of the shifting roles of science both …

Science, Technology and European Foreign Policy: European Integration, Global Interaction
Even though it dates back already to 2002, this article still represents an excellent account both in tracing the evolution of the intra-European S&T co-operation and relating it to EU integration and EU external relations. …

Science and Diplomacy: A New Dimension of International Relations
This book examines science diplomacy as a particular field of international relations, in which the interests of science and those of foreign policy intersect. Building on examples drawn from history and contemporary international relations, it …

Science and Innovation Diplomacy Agencies at the nexus of research, economics, and politics
Both practitioners and scholars tend to regard Science and Technology Agreements (STA) to be important, prominent, and highly effective tools for science diplomacy (SD). Yet it is far from clear whether they form an integral …

Science and Technology Agreements in the Toolbox of Science Diplomacy: Effective Instruments or Insignificant Add-ons?
The last decade has seen the emergence of several organisations dedicated to pursue national science diplomacy agendas. This working paper comparatively examines three cases: The UK’s Science and Innovation Network, the Swiss SWISSNEX, and the …

New Frontiers in Science Diplomacy
The Royal Society’s report (in cooperation with the American Association for the Advancement of Science) is the synopsis of a conference in 2009 in the United Kingdom and can be regarded as having brought up …

International Science and Technology Cooperation in a Globalized World: The External Dimension of the European Research Area
This book provides theoretical insights and practical solutions on how to equip the European Research Area with policies and instruments to ‘go global’ successfully, and on how to implement policy measures effectively and efficiently. As …

Understanding European Union Science Diplomacy
The study investigates and systemises different motivations of EU policy makers for science diplomacy practices. It develops nine role conceptions of EU external science policies with a discourse analysis approach and discusses them in the …

Science Diplomacy at the Intersection of S&T Policies and Foreign Affairs: Toward a Typology of National Approaches
In the wake of burgeoning international activities and collaborative venues in S&T, rich industrial countries have taken to science diplomacy to strengthen their innovative capacities or to foster cross-border civil relations. Apart from some theoretical …

Science Diplomacy: New Day or False Dawn?
This edited volume asks the question whether science diplomacy has to be considered a new type of diplomacy and whether it will prove more effective than other forms when it comes to addressing global challenges. …