The New Protocol

Science Diplomacy is an area on the interface between foreign policy, problem articulation (e.g. concerning SDGs) and science that is characterised by fluidity and multi-interpretability. Its definition, stakeholders and job descriptions are not fixed. As long as it is applied in collaborative situations and based on cosmopolitical interests, this Science Diplomacy Protocol capitalizes on these circumstances and proposes principles of interaction that are applicable to various configurations of stakeholders and topics pertaining to the challenges societies face today.

This Protocol outlines a set of twelve procedural and infrastructural principles that need to be considered to create transformative science diplomacy interactions. Not all are applicable to every situation, but it will be useful to consider combinations of principles in most. Depending on the specific situation, it can be possible that several of the principles need to be balanced with each other and that sometimes trade-offs between them are inevitable. This highlights the necessity of making the conditions which the principles address explicit among the stakeholders involved.

Click on the icons below to find out more.

We also invite you to read the background documetn to this New Protocol for Science Diplomacy here.

Procedural Principles

Infrastructural Principles