Category: Publications

The Impact Story of S4D4C
At the end of the project’s duration (in April 2021) we are reflecting on contributions considering the long-term impact of our Horizon 2020-funded project “Using science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges” (S4D4C). The project’s …

Taking the pulse of science diplomacy and developing practices of valuation (Nov. 2021)
One of the results of the S4D4C project has been published open access: Tim Flink’s account “Taking the pulse of science diplomacy and developing practices of valuation” has been peer-reviewed and published in Science and …

Water Diplomacy – The New Modus Operandi of EU Diplomacy? Innovative Methods in Diplomatic Practice (Nov. 2021)
One of the case studies of S4D4C was the basis of a publication in The Hague Journal of Diplomacy published after the end of the project (received: 9 November 2020; revised: 9 April 2021; accepted: …

Setting up Knowledge Exchange Experiences in Policy and/or Diplomacy for Researchers: The S4D4C Open Doors Toolkit
The need to create more and more fluent interactive spaces for scientists, diplomats, and other stakeholders to work together in addressing global challenges through science diplomacy has been one of the strongest messages the S4D4C project has …

Nurturing the EU Science Diplomacy Community: The Launch of a EU Science Diplomacy Alliance for Addressing Global Challenges
S4D4C’s approach to science diplomacy promotes a multi-stakeholder endeavor and searches to nurture a European science diplomacy community where scientists, scholars, innovators, diplomats, policy-makers, and other practitioners have the opportunity to interact for the benefit …

New Version of the S4D4C Policy Report “Calling For A Systemic Change: Towards a European Union Science Diplomacy for Addressing Global Challenges”
Last May 2020, S4D4C published the policy report entitled “Calling for a Systemic Change: Towards a European Union Science Diplomacy for Addressing Global Challenges”. Together with the publication of this policy report, S4D4C opened a …

Policy Brief and Academic Article: Why science diplomacy needs evaluative backing
In this new policy brief, S4D4C team member Tim Flink presents a first set of guiding ideas that can be used by policy actors to evaluate science diplomacy strategies. Science diplomacy has been a rather …

Policy Brief and Report: A New Protocol for Science Diplomacy
In this policy brief, S4D4C team members Ewert Aukes, Stefan Kuhlmann , James Wildson and Gonzalo Ordonez-Matamoros introduce the New Protocol for Science Diplomacy which is displayed on our website here. The policy brief is …

Teaching Science Diplomacy: New toolkit for trainers available now
Are you setting up a training exercise on science diplomacy? Looking for inspiration and guidance? As the demand for capacity-building at the science diplomacy interface grows around the world, this new toolkit for trainers helps …

Romancing science for global solutions
One of S4D4C’s mission is to increase the conceptual understanding of science diplomacy addressing global challenges. This also includes a critical review of how the concept is currently used to better understand and use it. …