Month: April 2020

Science Diplomacy Networks
The implementation of Science Diplomacy activities involves a wide range of stakeholders, government departments, staff and strategies. The article by Lutz-Peter Berg zooms in and provides an overview over science diplomacy networks, their aims, methods …

Science Diplomacy in the European Union: Practices and Prospects
Most recently, the European Commission has started to revamp its institutional setting and policies, also in order to engage more explicitly in the field of Science Diplomacy. The S4D4C policy brief elaborates on three interrelated …

Optimism, Pessimism, and Science Diplomacy
This article sheds some light on the political charges of the Science Diplomacy debate in the US and illustrates nicely the hopes that it invests in science and its ultimately political role. Colglazier (2017) Optimism, …

Open Europe
This official report on the results of the working period 2014-2019 of the European Commission has a section on Science Diplomacy and explicated the perceptions and intentions that were connected to this concept in contemporary …

The Current State of The Art of Science Diplomacy
The chapter sheds light on the origins of the term Science Diplomacy, introduces prevalent definitions, and identifies four driving forces which push the development of science diplomacy. Subsequently, we highlight the similarities and differences of …

Science diplomacy: Investigating the perspective of scholars on politics–science collaboration in international affairs
Whereas Science Diplomacy is a widely practiced area of international affairs, academic research on the subject remains rather sparse. The role of academia within the field of politics–science interaction has hardly been considered. This article …