Niccolo is a biotechnologist with an MBA from the Collège des Ingénieurs, a “grande École” based in Paris, France. He currently works at the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, where he deals with various aspects related to Science in and for Diplomacy. Niccolo gained experience in the promotion of scientific collaborations by working as technology transfer and licensing officer for the University of Basel and the University of Geneva. He also worked with the swissnex Boston team to foster the exchanges between Switzerland and the Greater Boston Area in the fields of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. swissnex is a pioneering initiative of the Swiss State Secretariat for Higher Education, Innovation and Research with science consulates in the world’s most dynamic technological hubs. It allows Swiss researchers and entrepreneurs to get access to valuable connections and establish long term collaborations. Niccolo comes from the Italian part of Switzerland; his mother tongue is Italian and he fluently speaks English, German, and French.
Niccolo IORNO