What it takes to do science diplomacy. Baseline analysis and needs assessment

One of the principal objectives of the S4D4C project is to increase the capacities of EU and EU Member State science diplomats and to offer relevant knowledge resources and training opportunities that support their work. This requires understanding the actual skills and related needs of our beneficiaries. Therefore, S4D4C aims to analyse practices, identities, needs and challenges of science diplomacy practitioners. Alexander Degelsegger-Márquez (ZSI), Tim Flink and Charlotte Rungius (DZHW) prepared a report presenting our findings in this regards that we can now make available here.

In this report, we present the results of a baseline analysis of the needs of the professionals working at the interface of science and foreign policy. We combine qualitative and quantitative data from desk research, interviews, participant observation and, most importantly, an open, anonymous online survey. The 130 answers to the survey constitute a novel source of primary data in the science diplomacy research arena. The results help us better understand the population of science diplomacy practitioners, their goals, practices, challenges and needs as well as their views on the label ‘science diplomacy’. The analysis will inform S4D4C’s work on training and knowledge resources. In allowing for more targeted governance, the results are also relevant for science diplomacy-related policy-making in the EU and beyond.

Please contact us in case you have any questions.


Please quote as: Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander, Tim Flink and Charlotte Rungius (2019): What it takes to do science diplomacy. Practices, identities, needs and challenges of science diplomacy practitioners. Baseline analysis and needs assessment, Deliverable 2.3, Vienna: S4D4C.

An anonymised version of the survey responses is available as open data here.

S4D4C Team

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