S4D4C contributions to The Hague Journal of Diplomacy Forum on Science Diplomacy in open access

Several S4D4C researchers have contributed to the Forum on Science Diplomacy which is available in The Hague Journal of Diplomacy put together by Pierre-Bruno Ruffini from the Faculty of International Affairs, University of Le Havre-Normandie, Le Havre, France. You can find the edition here: https://brill.com/view/journals/hjd/15/3/hjd.15.issue-3.xml
His “Introduction to the Forum on Science Diplomacy” is available open access here. He also puts the different contributions by different scholars and practitioners into perspective: some are more conceptual others focus on actors and individuals implementing science diplomacy practices.
S4D4C partner Tim Flink (he leads our work package on the “Conceptual framework”) provided the first article criticising the current discourse. The full article is available here (open access).

Also, Pierre-Bruno, who is a member of the sister project InsSciDE provided an article in relation to the gap between discourse and reality. And InsSciDE coordinator Pascal Griset positions innovation diplomacy from a historical perspective in his contribution (not open access).

Our S4D4C colleague Lorenzo Melchor suggests a typology in his article that sees ‘institutionalised’ and ‘non-institutionalised’ positions in science diplomacy and reflects on the required knowledge and skills of science diplomats which operate in the interaction of state and non-state actors often in a mix of top-down and bottom-up initiatives. Find more information about this publication here. This article is available here in open access.

Paul Berkman, a member of the S4D4C advisory board, contributes an article that focuses on the different timescales in science diplomacy which can be described as a vision that guides action for a cause to enhance common interests, the international order and the well-being of humanity (here, not open access).

Further contributors to the forum include Olga Krasnyak (here – not open access, see her profile in our speakers’ corner for the S4D4C Madrid conference here) who provides insights from cooperation during the Cold War period and Meredith Gore, Elizabeth Nichols and Karen Lips who discuss training needs and educational challenges.

S4D4C Team

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