1. How to Get Started?
2. What Is Science Diplomacy?
3. Who Are the Science Diplomacy Stakeholders?
4. How Does the EU Practice Science Diplomacy?
5. What Are the National, Regional and Thematic Approaches of Science Diplomacy?
6. What Set of Skills Do I Need to Be a Good Science Diplomat?
7. Hands On! Case Studies
8. How Can You Dive Deeper into Science Diplomacy?
Satisfaction Survey

1.1.1 Learning Objectives

This module aims to advise you on how to use and make the most out of the S4D4C European Science Diplomacy Online Course. We will give you answers to questions like:

    • What modules are available and what do they cover?
    • In what order should you take the course?
    • How can you navigate across the modules and topics?
    • How do you see the progress you achieve as you go through the content of the course?
    • How can you complete the modules, lessons and topics?
    • How can you get a certificate?
    • How can you interact with fellow students and the S4D4C team?

This module is not a part of our learning programme. It just contains several recommendations on how to use the platform easily. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the S4D4C team: scidip-course@s4d4c.eu