Category: Open-lab notebook

Season’s Greetings from S4D4C

The S4D4C project consortium wishes you a happy holiday season and a wonderful new year 2020! Thank you for your interest in our project throughout 2019 and we hope to be in touch also in

Celebrating global science diplomacy and collecting evidence at the World Science Forum

Several partners of the S4D4C consortium gathered in Budapest, Hungary, attending the World Science Forum (WSF) between 20 and 23 November 2019. Our partner Peter McGrath (The World Academy of Sciences TWAS / Inter Academy

swissinfo page

The Madrid Declaration on Science Diplomacy as a reference for Swiss Foreign Policy

The Madrid Declaration on Science Diplomacy is a result of the 1st S4D4C Global Meeting on Science Diplomacy in Madrid, after which project partners and participants published it as a charter to raise awareness and

Open Europe

Current European positions on science diplomacy – a focus on the win-win situations for global challenges

A recent publication of the European Commission (published on 23 September 2019) provides a comprehensive overview of what the European Union did for Research and Innovation (R&I) in the period of 2014-2019; and also highlights

Open Notebook: Training activities and discussing the upcoming Horizon Europe programme

This week S4D4C members met in Trieste with a broad range of stakeholders, including also some of the colleagues from InsSciDE in a cluster meeting. The focus of that meeting, which was chaired by Marga

Closer cooperation with Marga Gual Soler

We are proud to report that Dr. Marga Gual Soler committed herself to cooperate with the S4D4C project. Over the past five years, Marga pioneered a number of initiatives at the AAAS Center for Science

The S4D4C Open Doors Programme brought five grantees closer to Science Diplomacy

In November 2018, the S4D4C project “Science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges” published its call for the “Open Door Programme” attracting applications from scientists working in various research fields and with an interest in

“Open Doors” Programme grantees visit Brussels

From February 27-28 two of the researchers selected in the “Open Doors” Programme of S4D4C travelled to Brussels to continue their training in science diplomacy. On the first day, they participated in the final conference

Open notebook: Consolidating findings after the first project year

On February 25 and 26, S4D4C project partners met in Brussels for another session discussing the status of our nine science diplomacy case studies and the next steps towards their finalisation. In all nine cases

Open Doors Participants visiting London

Progress of the S4D4C “Open Doors” Programme: visit to London

Two of the researchers that were selected in the competitive S4D4C Open Doors programme travelled to London together with representatives of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology to continue their training in science diplomacy